Welcome to the official home page of the Paper Football League (PFL)
The PFL is an organization, similar to the NFL, except a little
smaller and a lot more fun. We all remember playing paper football in junior
high school. Yes, that little triangle made of paper that you flick across a table in
an effort to make it hang over the edge but not fall, and therefore
score a touchdown. Then you have the opportunity to kick an extra point.
As a supporter once said, "There's nothing like a paper football
hitting you in the nose on an extra point!" Well we have taken the age
old game of paper football to a new level. We play it in high school.
Not only that, but all the current members of the PFL are SENIORS in
high school. All scores are recorded, playoffs are played, and there
is a champion at the end of each season. Now in its second season, we
hope the legacy of the PFL will continue for years to come. Please visit
the About The PFL section for the complete history
of the Paper Football League.
So, take a look around our page. This page contains player info,
game statistics, an official online rule book, and even pics! Use the
frame at the left to go where you want.
If you have any questions or comments about the page please email
Lance aka Weezerman (at) who is the
founder of the PFL, a player, and also the webmaster.
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since January 22, 1999
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